BattleRod Vendor Packages

$25.00 - $250.00

Vendor Registration
10x10 - $105 Includes 2 Wristbands
10x20 - $180 Includes 4 Wristbands
10x30 - $250 Includes 6 Wristbands
Electricity+ $25
Vehicle Registration Required to Compete for Top Awards
Additional Wrist Bands at $5 Each
* SHOW IS RAIN OR SHINE; NO REFUNDS ; *COVID-19 Could Reschedule Date.

I agree that this entry form shall serve as a photo release and waiver of liability to P Events, JB Wells Arena, Sponsors, Vendors, and staff. The event is Rain or Shine and No Refunds. By execution of PayPal payment Vendor and staff releases and discharges the show promoters, owners of grounds, sponsors, employees, volunteers, and any participants from any known or unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgments, and/or claims.